So its been quite a year so far… The wedding season started in April and in May my Daughter Rowan turned 2..
After this past anniversary of her Birthday I thought about the rare “pregnancy disease” Preclampsia that I had developed while pregnant with Rowan in 2011. This disease has become well known in the last year due to the show Downton Abbey and the speculation that Kim Kardashian had the disease.
My Pregnancy from 2010-2011 was perfectly normal up until the last month.y. Without hardly any signs I was admitted to the hospital April of 2011 to give birth 7 weeks early for extremely high blood pressure. What I found out hours later was that I was suffering from severe preeclampsia and my body was breaking down and rejecting the baby. The only symptoms I had in the previous weeks were swelling of the feet and weight gain which is of course can be considered normal in pregnancy.
My blood pressure grew to the point of seizure levels as I was admitted into the hospital right away and treated, within 4 days Rowan was born at 3lbs and had to be admitted into the NICU for 7 weeks. We were both cured of Preeclampsia and High Blood pressure after her birth.
Doctors do not know what causes Preeclampsia, however with education and research they are getting closer and closer to a cure. In Feburary of 2012 I particpated at the University of Vermont government funded research program in the study of Preclampsia. I want to do whatever I can to help the research and prevention of this disease.
This year I decided with my friends and Family to participate in June 22, 2013 fundraiser walk for Preclampsia research and awareness over the Brooklyn Bridge this upcoming Saturday.
For this cause I will be donating 5% of every booking in the months of May and June this year.
I hope you to can donate towards this cause! Please click on the photo to donate today.
” The Promise Walk for Preclampsia” – Preeclampsia ( <—More info here on that)
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