This is one of the most unique locations I have ever photographed and the last of 2010, I photographed Rachelle and Braden’s Wedding on Dec. 30th just days after the Snowapopcolaypse that had hit NY. Luckly the skies were clear and just some snow out on the ground.
Just recently the Southampton Historical Museum opened its doors to weddings. When Rachelle contacted me shoot her all cocktail hour style wedding I was more than happy to take on an amazing location and fun opportunity to create interesting photos in the town of Southampton along with the beautiful South Hampton Historical Museum and First Presbyterian Church across the street. Check out one of my favorite weddings of 2010
Rachelle sent me this shot from the videographers camera 🙂 of myself I hardly have any working photos of myself 🙂 its about time.. Thanks Rachelle

Adorable wedding.